Preprocessing is the step before compilation, which is done by the preprocessor. It is also known as a macro processor which defines macros, the replacement word or abbreviation for the longer …
Functions in C
Functions in C are defined as a block of statements that perform a specific task and can be executed repeatedly any number of times. Every C program has a main …
Loop control statements
In a certain process, specific blocks of codes are repeated until certain conditions are satisfied, to avoid repetition of codes in Loop control statements are used. The different types of …
Decision Control Statements
In a program, certain logical tests are carried out only when certain conditions are satisfied. The logical test gives either True or False as output, based on the result we …
Operators in C
It is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical and logical manipulations. The Operators in C are defined as the part of the mathematical expression which is …
Keywords in C
One of the important tokens in C are keywords, identifiers, and constants. The keywords are reserved words that cannot be used as a variable name or as an identifier. There …

C Data Types
In this post, we are going to learn about what is C Data Types, how the values are stored in the memory, and how much memory is allocated for different …
C program structure
The C program structure includes details about various parts of a program such as header files, variables, functions, etc in detail. C Program Structure Basic Format Header Files Function Declarations …

C Programming Basics
In this article C programming basics, you can learn complete details about the step-by-step process involved in the compilation of the C code. Introduction To C Programming Basics: Compilation and …
Introduction To Programming
In this article, introduction to programming, we will learn about what is programming, and the need for programming language particularly c language in detail. Features of the C Language that …